- Drama classes for all ages in Sarajevo and Worldwide
Developing confidence, communication and creativity

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Where we started
- Ongoing confidence and self-esteem
- Communication and social interaction skills
- Energy, enthusiasm, and a positive approach to life
- Performing arts and presentation skills
- Creativity and lateral thinking skills
- Self-awareness, self-expression, and emotional intelligence

“I would highly recommend this class”
I am very grateful to be working with such positive people. The family of Drama Kids is spread so far and wide. How wonderful knowing we are all linked together by our passion to help children develop and believe in themselves through are stunning curriculum.
“I would highly recommend this class”
My children attend Drama Kids Derbyshire and I am overwhelmed by everything the academy has given my children; confidence, fun, memories, excitement and belief in themselves. Thank you so much!
“I would highly recommend this class”
Thank you Drama Kids: Our son has been going to the academy for a number of years and what a difference it has made to his speech and confidence. Our boy is 11 and has oral dyspraxia, which affects his ability to speak clearly and his short term memory. He loves his drama and is very outgoing. He wants to get involved in the drama lessons and annual plays that his primary school put on, but has been held back because of his dyspraxia and has never had a speaking part. Drama Kids has been awesome, the staff are so helpful and understanding of our son’s difficulty and he has always had a proper speaking part, even during the early years. Thank you Drama Kids for helping our son thrive and grow into a confident young man.

Our classes.
Helping the development of young people, 4-18 Years.

Enquire today.
Call now at 061 156 941 or 061 172 270 sarajevodramakids@gmail.com

Work with us.
We are always looking for young, energetic and enthusiastic teachers.
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